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1) The Inne is located in a non-disclosed location for a reason.  It is a fictional, vaguely-realistic realm, but with some strong sci-fi type leanings in nature.


2) There are parts of the Inne your character will not be given access to, unless they are part of a very specific branch of the staff who have Maggie's trust and honesty about the true purpose of the Inne.


3) Characters with supernatural abilities are more than welcome, but no "magic" ... vampires, shapeshifters, even elemental manipulators are welcome, among others, but this is a sci-fi game, not a magical one.  In other words, if your character fits more into Harry Potter than say, the X-men, they might not fit here.  If you have any questions, feel free to ask. 


4) Maggie's not quite as human as she seems.  You really don't have to be either.  Characters of various types will be accepted, and those that are not so much mainstream will be able to be residents of the safehouse lab, or if they are able to live in the open, they can frequent the Inne as "hidden" in a passingly human nature and appearance.  Supernatural creatures do exist, but to live in the open amongst citizens of the villages is to be branded a "monster" and shunned, hunted, hated.  The Inne is a safe haven.


5) No mun drama or bashing will be tolerated.  You will get one chance to resolve a problem, then the responsible party(/ies) will be removed from the game. Period.


6) Have fun!

Rules of the Game ...



Turner, Aidan



Marano, Vanessa

Tapping, Amanda








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